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Tin Can Sailors

Many ship associations choose to make donations in the name of deceased members or others whom the members of the association wish to honor. There is currently no minimum donation amount to be published in The Tin Can Sailor but space limitations may require that we institute such a limit in the future. Tributes will remain on the web site for one year or longer.

Donations may be designated in any of four ways:

1. To a specific museum ship
2. To the Thomas J. Peltin Destroyer Museum Grant Program for all museum ships
3. To the Tin Can Sailors General Operating Fund
4. To a specific purpose such as the Tin Can Sailors Library or
to defray expenses at a Bull Session, National Reunion, etc.

Tributes Received

August 2020
Mary McKean in memory of LCDR R.T. 'Tom' McKean
USS Compton (DD-705) in memory of Capt. Sullivan Reed
Tin Can Sailors of Goose Creek in memory of Luther R. Ussery
USS Endicott (DMS-35) honors Dwight Trautman RM2,
deceased. Fair winds and following seas.
Stephen and Terri McClough in memory of Richard L. Winnett
Thomas F. Hayes in memory of Thomas J. Hayes, USS Herndon (DD-638)
Edgard Parker in memory of Charles J. Berzansky, USS Hunt (DD-674) 1957-59

July 2020
Becky and Kathy Mueckler in memory of Jack Alonzo
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Herbert Sellers
Steven and Janice Jenkins in loving and respectful memory
of Ernest Borgnine and Earl Jenkins
Friends in memory of Robert Bush
Fred and Joan Gabos in memory of Robert Bush
Robert and Carol Eiber in memory of Joseph Harpster
USS Zellars (DD-777) Assn. Inc. in memory of
Otto Husak TM3, Plankowner and Kamikaze Survivor of 4/12/1945
Robert and Sue Moses in memory of Robert Bush
Frank Rhodes in honor of William S. Rhodes
USS Hunt (DD-674) in memory of their friend and shipmate,
Charles J. Berzansky
John Scudder in memory of Irvin and Muriel Kaage
USS Cone (DD-866) in memory of Irvin and Muriel Kaage
Donna Zabel in memory of her husband Larry G. Zabel

June 2020
Robert Bush in memory of Ken Moore, USS Dyess (DDR-880)
Barbara McDonald in honor of Paul Frisco, USS Cushing DD-797) on his 95th birthday
Stephen and Joanne Sporcic in memory of Richard 'Dick' Ravn
Mark Hansen and Lori Kraus in memory of Joseph Korienek III
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Robert Chiesa
USS Hunt (DD-674) Attn Karolyn Edstrom in memory of their shipmate and friend, Otis Green
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) Reunion Association in honor of
all their departed shipmates who served aboard the USS Wiltsie
USS Miller (DD-535) LeRoy Klock in honor of all those living or deceased
who served aboard the USS Miller frm 1943 through 1964
Charles and Patricia Gunther in memory of Robert J. Coleman, USS Preston (DD-795)
Theresa Hornung in memory of her husband, Aron Hornung

May 2020
Darlene Cameron in memory of her husband, Gordon E. Cameron
Ruth Hutton in memory of her husband, Thomas V. Hutton
Eric Romer in memory of Clifford P. Berman, 1945 Annapolis graduate,
navigator on USS McCalla (DD-488)
Charles and Karne Erickson in memory of Joseph Korienek III
Kathleen Korienek in memory of her father, Joseph Korienek III
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Jack Henderson
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Richard Marx
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Walter Farmer

April 2020
Nina Ursitti in memory of her husband, Vincent A. Ursitti
Peter Varley in memory of Carl Ackerman, USS Turner (DDR-834)
USS Zellars (DD-777) Assn. Inc. in memory of deceased shipmates

March 2020
USS Bache (DD/DDE-470) in memory of all the men who served and died in the USS Bache from WWWII to 1968
Fred Shelter in memory of Arnie Oberson who served on the USS Cassin Young (DD-793) The Chapper and Daniels Families in memory of Kenneth H. Daniels, USS Irwin (DD-794)
The Porter Family in memory of Donald Porter
Carol Tymann, Theresa Scandurra, Anita S. Weklar and Jeanne Caputo in memory of Edward J. Mahan, USS Dortch DD-670)
Anthony Diorio in memory of Kenneth Cournoyer, Plankower, USS Manley (DD-940)
Kathleen Kaa in memory of her father, Charles B. Kaa, Jr., USS Charles E. Brannon (DE-446) & USS Conyngham (DDG-17)

February 2020
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Luther Carlisle
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Michael Close
Deborah Lenig in memory of Paul Whitfield
Barbara Ruggiero in memory of Clifford G. Oxland
USS Hunt (DD-674) in memory of William Munson
Sam Price in memory of the crew of the USS Gainard (DD-706) that served in WWII
Beth & John Budris, Caroline Black in memory of Morris Gillett
Helen Hughes in memory of her husband George Hughes
Jennifer Ross in memory of George Lundberg

January 2020
Francis MacDonald in honor of Capt. Rae
Diane Peltin in memory of her husband, Thomas J. Peltin
Ellen Curtiss Brymer in memory of John Brymer
Patricia Selby and Ronald Brausch in memory of Lester Selby, USS Gatling (DD-671)
Wayne Huddleston in memory of his father, Wayne Huddleston
Daniel Hedge in memory of Richard Andersen, USS Soley (DD-707)
USS Picking (DD-685) in memory of shipmate and plankowner, Paul Whitfield
William and Rosemary Tinsley in memory of James M. Tinsley, Sr.

January 2020
Francis MacDonald in honor of Capt. Rae
Diane Peltin in memory of her husband, Thomas J. Peltin
Ellen Curtiss Brymer in memory of John Brymer
Patricia Selby and Ronald Brausch in memory of Lester Selby, USS Gatling (DD-671)
Wayne Huddleston in memory of his father, Wayne Huddleston
Daniel Hedge in memory of Richard Andersen, USS Soley (DD-707)
USS Picking (DD-685) in memory of shipmate and plankowner, Paul Whitfield
William and Rosemary Tinsley in memory of James M. Tinsley, Sr.

December 2019
Samuel Glassner and Micki Glassner Zucker in memory of Edward Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Bowen in memory of Paul Perry
Robert and Ghislaine Bush in memory of Barry Colassard, Col. USMC (Ret.)
Haroldine Reidy in memory of her husband, William Reidy
Christine Puglio in memory of her father, Albert Kosa
David and Agnes Peterson in memory of Paul Whitfield

November 2019
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of William Robertson
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Herbert 'Ron' Moody
USS Dyess (DD/DDR-880) in memory of Jack Bruns, MM2
USS Leary (DD/DDR-879) Reunion Group in memory of James H. Waltemyer

October 2019
Frank Rhodes in memory of William S. Rhodes, Esq., USS Frank Knox (DDR-742)
Nancy Everett in memory of Jarvis Everett
Sandra and Kenneth Berlekamp in memory of Lester Selby, USS Gatling (DD-671)
Jerald Rae in memory of Dr. Harry Rae
Jean and Cindy Rapose in memory of Capt. Harry Rae
Lewis A Young VFW Post 3152 in memory of Harry Rae
Katherine & Richard Morocco in memory of Capt. Rae
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Joseph Feeney
Anonymous in memory of John McCain
Edward and Debra Merigan in memory of Capt. Harry Rae
Rock and Linda Foss in memory of Harry Rae
USS Holder Association in memory of Ronald C. Absetz, Malcolm L. Bisson, James F. Clay,
Robert L. Clifford, Douglas P. Dame, Leslie L. Deickman, Goerge B. Dusenbury, RIchard M. Emery,
Geroge Folsom, Thomas Goetz, Charles Irvin, Mortimer Johnson, Andrew Facklam, Geral Farrell,
Harold Masters, Joseph Maston, David McCoy, Arthur Mooneyhan, Richard Reed, Leon Seal,
Robert Slodysko, Frederick Ulan,E. Coy Wetherington and Harold Youman
The Fernandes Family in honor and memory of Russell H. Fernandes. Sr.

September 2019
Frank Rhodes in memory of Williams S. Rhodes, Esq., USS Frank Knox (DDR-742)
Nancy Everett in memory of Jarvis Everett
Sandra and Kenneth Berlekamp in memory of Lester Selby, USS Gatling (DD-671)
Jerald Rae in memory of Dr. Harry Rae
Jean and Cindy Rapose in memory of Capt. Harry Rae
Lewis A Young VFW Post 3152 in memory of Harry Rae
Katherine & Richard Morocco in memory of Capt. Harry Rae
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Joseph Feeney
Anonymous in memory of John McCain
Edward and Debra Merigan in memory of Capt. Harry Rae
Rock and Linda Foss in memory of Harry Rae
USS Holder Assocation in memory of Ronald C. Absetz, Malcolm L. Bisson, James F. Clay,
Robert L. Clifford, Douglas P. Dame, Leseli L. Deickman, George B. Dusenbury, Richard M. Emery,
Andrew Facklam, Geral R. Farrell, George G. Folsom, Thomas G. Goetz, Charles W. Irvin,
Mortimer C. Johnson, Harold Masters, Joseph H. Maston III, David J. McCoy, Arthur B. Monneyhan,
Richard F. Reed, Leon B. Seal, Robert J. Slodysko, Frederick A. Ulam, E. Coy Wetherington,
Harold Youman
The Fernandes Family in honor and memory of Russell H. Fernandes, Sr.

August 2019
Betsy Evola in memory of Lawrence L. Evola, USS Forest Royal (DD-872)
Joyce Yarick in memory of Jack (John) Yarick, USS Cony (DDE-508) 1957-1959
Robert Bush in memory of Ken Moore, USS Dyess (DDR-880)
USS Compton Assn. (DD-705) in memory of Thomas Lynch

July 2019
USS Cogswell (DD-651) Assoc. Framk Wille in memory of Orvil Williams
Carol Bostock in memory of Eugene A. Bostock
Steven and Janice Jenkins in loving and respectful memory of Ernest Borgnine and Earl Jenkins
David and Patti Ballargeon in memory of Kenneth George
Diane Milo in memory of Kenneth George
Judy Florian in memory of Glenn Passage
Lorraine Clark in memory of Harold Blakemore
Richard and Carmen Perry in memory of Harold Blakemore
Lavinia and Al Murray in memory of Harold Blakemore
Andrew and Sharon Speiser in memory of Harold Blakemore
David and Linda Robson in memory of Harold Blakemore
Kathleen Gregorie in memory of Harold Blakemore
David and Betty Ann Rodia in memory of Harold Blakemore
James Tinsley and William Tinsley in memory of James M. Tinsley, Sr.
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Robert 'Charlie' Somers
Gerry Karpf in memory of Herman Ibach
Carl Ioveino in memory of Herman Ibach
Kathleen Vose in memory of Kenneth George
Kevin Evans in memory of Kenneth George

June 2019
Kelly Lavallee in memory of Charles Shoemaker
Charles Shoemaker, Jr. and Lori Shoemaker in memory of Charles Shoemaker
Richard & Teresa Shoemaker in memory of Charles Shoemaker
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Carl Bragdon, Jr.
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Earl Clay
The Executive Director and Staff of Tin Can Sailors, Inc. in memory of
Russ Fernandes, USS Parker (DD-604) and USS Witek (EDD-848), former Director of Tin Can Sailors
USS Compton Assn. in memory of William Jenkins
USS Dyess Assoc. in memory of Kenneth Moore
Charles Shoemaker, Jr. and Lori Shoemaker
The Ruppin Family in memory of Charles Shoemaker
Debra DeLoach Jones in memory of Edward Thomas DeLoach, Jr. 5/24/32 - 1/6/18

May 2019
Richard Sozio in memory of William G. Clark, USS Manley & USS Gainard
Francis Hanratty in memory of all those who served aboard the USS Bennett (DD-473)
Gerald Steproe in memory of Jim Atkinson EN3, USS Forrest Royal (DD-872)
USS Miller Association in memory of Ralph DeFilippo
USS Ault (DD-698) - Richard Clarksean in memory of Scott McLean and Otis Clements

April 2019
USS Miller (DD-535) LeRoy Klock in memory of Tom Dickey
USS Miller (DD-535) LeRoy Klock in memory of Capt. Deon Branch
USS Miller (DD-535) LeRoy Klock in memory of Robert Rondeau
The Mitchell Children in memory of their father, Charles H. Mitchell
James Day in memory of John Pruden RD1, USS Bristol (DD-857)

March 2019
Jane Johnston in memory of Thomas Bailey, Jr.
The Van Houten Family in memory of Thomas Bailey, Jr.
The Michel Family in memory of R. H. Michel

February 2019
The Harris Family in memory of Robert B. Harris, USS Sigourney (DD-643)
Delores Kennedy in memory of Alfred Kennedy
Tin Can Sailors of Goose Creek, SC in memory of Leonard Chapman
Maureen Ross in memory of Joseph A. Ross
Robert Pollock in honor of Robert S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Laurence Mettevelis in memory of Peter Mettevelis RDM2, USS Somers (DD-381) 1942-45
Diane Peltin in memory of Thomas J. Peltin
William Rumble in memory of Capt. Henry P. Rumble, USN (Ret.)
Jon Benevenia in memory of Thomas Sperling
Cynthia Naylor in memory of Ronald W. Naylor

January 2019
William and Rosemary Tinsley in memory of James M. Tinsley, Sr.
John Keep in memory of
Bobby 'Tex' Bright, USS Gatling (DD-671) and David Finn, USS Robert H. McCard (DD-822)
George Murphy in memory of Edward B. Nolan, USS George K. Mackenzie (DD-836)
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Lawrence Farnham
Lynette Klar in memory of John Klar
Eileen Kleinfeldt in memory of John Kleinfledt, USS Beale (DD-471)

December 2018
Lisa Small in memory of Harold Blakemore
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of John Weingartner
Marilyn and Edwin Andrews in memory of Alfred Kennedy
Bill McGurk in honor of George Lussier and Kurt Wagemann
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Arthur Schwab
Charles McKee in memory of Terry Lyn McKee

November 2018
Estate of George R. Garmon in memory of his beloved wife Barbara F. Garmon
Frank DeGeorge and Linda Wellette in memory of their father,
Albert F. DeGeorge, USS Sigourney (DD-643)
USS Compton Assn. in memory of James Davin, Sr.

October 2018
USS Dennis J. Buckley (DD/DDR-808) in memory of Marvin 'Chuck' Borden
USS Dennis J. Buckley (DD/DDR-808) in memory of Freddie Mendoza
USS Zellars (DD-777) Assn. Inc. in memory of deceased shipmates
Harold J.Blackmore, Jr., Barbara Wager & Jackie Kurzenski in memory of
their father Harold J. Blakemore
Elizabeth Clifford in memory of her husband, David Clifford
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) Reunion Association in memory of
all their departed shipmates who served aboard the USS Wiltsie

September 2018
Michaeleen Yeager in memory of Michael E. Ellis
USS Miller Association II in memory of John H. Lehner
Roland Henault, Jr. in memory of Roland Henault BT3 and his Willard Keith (DD-775) shipmates
USS Cone in memory of John Hunter, Bruce Worth and Lois Klinkel
Linda Howard in memory of Ronald Howard

August 2018
Rick Silva in memory of Harold Blakemore
Irene Susan Burton in memory of Kenneth George
Theresa Michaud in memory of Kenneth George

July 2018
USS Cogswell (DD-651) Assoc. Frank Wille in memory of Orvil Williams
Carol Bostock in memory of Eugene A. Bostock
Steven and Janice Jenkins in loving and respectful memory of Ernest Borgnine and Earl Jenkins
David and Patti Ballargeon in memory of Kenneth George
Diane Milo in memory of Kenneth George
Judy Florian in memory of Glenn Passage
Lorraine Clark in memory of Harold Blakemore
Richard and Carmen Perry in memory of Harold Blakemore
Lavinia and Al Murray in memory of Harold Blakemore
Andrew and Sharon Speiser in memory of Harold Blakemore
David and Linda Robson in memory of Harold Blakemore
Kathleen Gregorie in memory of Harold Blakemore
David and Betty Ann Rodia in memory of Harold Blakemore
James Tinsley and William Tinsley in memory of James M. Tinsley, Sr.
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Robert 'Charlie' Somers
Gerry Karpf in memory of Herman Ibach
Carl Ioveino in memory of Herman Ibach
Kathleen Vose in memory of Kenneth George
Kevin Evans in memory of Kenneth George

June 2018
J. Bruce Ercolani in memory of Joe Szabo and Raymond Condo
Phillip Bouchard in memory of Clement B. Bouchard
Thomas and Linda Huth in memory of Franklyn Whall
Mary Fadden in memory of James H. Fadden, Sr.
Jean Mongeau in memory of John F. Taylor
Henry & Susan LaPalme in memory of Kenneth George

May 2018
Robert Pollock in memory of Robert S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Gary & Tami Varilek in memory of Robert Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Mark & Mary Jane Kuzila in memory of Robert S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Harriet Morrissey in memory of Robert S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Robert S. & Doris Pollock in memory of Robert S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Donald Foisy in memory of John F. Taylor
Thomas & Jackie Boissonnault in memory of J. Hervey Boissonnault
Robert Bush in memory of Samual Seeley, GM1, USS Myles C. Fox (DD-829)
Ron and Pat Smith in memory of Franklyn Whall
Thomas and Diane Webster in memory of Franklyn Whall
Bethany Olk in memory of Franklyn Whall
Mary Smith in memory of Franklyn Whall
Jim & Ruth O'Driscoll in memory of Franklyn Whall
Beechmont, Inc. in memory of Franklyn Whall
Ellen Dwyer in memory of Franklyn Whall
John Blaney in memory of Charles Swafford
Mary Tindle in memory of Wylie O. Tindle, Jr.

April 2018
Steve Pollock in memory of his uncle, Robert S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Karolyn Edstrom in memory of Nelson Syler
Daniel & Joan Shurtiff in memory of Robet S. Pollock, USS Bancroft (DD-598)
Carol Staats in memory of her father Howard Shafer
Frederick Promades in memory of Caroll Promades
Frank DeGeorge in memory of Albert F. DeGeorge
Linda Wellette in memory of Albert F. DeGeorge

March 2018
Carolann Dawe in memory of William J. Dawe, Jr.
Randy Smith in memory of Maynard C. Smith
Donald Myers in memory of Kenneth Sullivan
Mary Storke in memory of Robert Storke
Ron Odell in memory of Richard M. Odell

February 2018
John Bakley in memory of Ron Polmanteer
Gene & Elaine Bokamji in memory of Joseph Szabo
Tim Fox & Mike Belletti in memory of Joseph Szabo
Jean Bristow in memory of her husband William Bristow
Stalnaker Family Trust in memory of Cy Stalnaker

January 2018
Anonymous in memory of John H. Willey, QM3, USS Myles C. Fox DDR-829
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Francis Foley
Joseph & Kristina Groller in memory of Joe Szabo
Jimmie & Carol Livermore in memory of William Paxston
Martha Sue Paxston in memory of William Paxston
Kathy Stephens in memory of William Paxston
Garrison Family in memory of William Paxston
Darlene Cameron in memory of Gordon E. Cameron
USS Miller (DD-535) LeRoy Klock in memory of John Mangels
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of Robert Smith
USS Compton Assn. Joe Napoli in memory of David Doughty
Maryann Zakashefski in memory of Richard Zakashefski
Renee DeJesus Jones in memory of her father Joseph DeJesus
Charlotte Donner in memory of Edward Fuselier
Jennifer Talas in memory of Charles Edward Pike
Jewel Tucker in memory of William E. Tucker

December 2017
Stanley and Andrea Zdanowicz in memory of Joe Szabo
Frank Smida in memory Joe Szabo
Kenneth and Judi Connell in memory of Joe Szabo
Carl Ioveino in memory of Joe Szabo
Murray Johnson in memory of Joe Szabo
Sally Conti in memory of Francesco Conti
Irwin Feinstein in memory of Joe Szabo
Thomas Urban in memory of Joe Szabo
USS Harlan R. Dickson (DD-708) Gerry Karpf in memory of Joe Szabo
Alexander Passantino in memory of Joe Szabo
Del and Olga Krause in memory of Cy Stalnaker
Kay Westinghouse in memory of Fred Wright
Rita Gill in memory of Fred Wright
Thomas Carey in memory of Fred and Pat Wright
Jerry Tardif in memory of Paul J. Tardif

November 2017
Dan & Nancy Clotfelter in memory of Vern Lokker, USS John A. Bole (DD-755)
USS Willard Keith (DD-755) Reunion Assoc. in honor & remembrance
of all who went aboard to serve their country
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole in memory of
Willis Savage Whittlesey, USNA 1959
October 2017
Vernon & Doris Smith in memory of Sydney M. Gluck
Helen Hughes in memory of George Hughes
Bill Phoenix in memory of Bill Wasilewksi, USS Richard E. Byrd (DDG-23)
The Dorsey Family in memory of Laurens Dorsey
Kenneth Stone & George Estey in memory of
Ray Sorrell, USS Dennis J. Buckley (DDR-808)
Jim Fraulo in memory of Albert Pizzi
USS Miller (DD-535) in memory of Richard Pitzl
Doug Pizzi in memory of Albert Pizzi
September 2017
Dianne Thomas in memory of her husband Leon Thomas
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) Reunion Assn. in memory of all their departed
shipmates who served aboard the USS Wiltsie
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) Reunion Assn. in memory of their recently departed shipmate Jim Faber,
a founding father of the USS Wiltsie Reunion Assn.
USS Bache Reunion Assn. in memory of
Leonard Aniuk, Andy Becker, Henry Bergholtz, Mike Bolick, Ellsworth Christiansen,
Hugo Cipriani, Paul Corrigan, Earle Davenport, Donald DeLue, Joseph Elias, George Leipart,
Nelson Plott, Gene Reiher, Richard Reollich & Joseph Selinsky
USS Miller (DD-535) in memory of Bob Buck
Karen & Harvey Peet in memory of Robert Lawton, USS Harold J. Ellison
Barbara Hinds in memory of Albert Pizzi
Donald & Louise Patterson in memory of Albert Pizzi
Joseph & Joan Pizzi in memory of Albert Pizzi
James Sahakian in memory of Albert Pizzi
Douglas & Eleanore Philpott in memory of Albert Pizzi
Daniel & Eileen Simoneau in memory of Albert Pizzi
Steve & Cathi Schlehubert in memory of Albert Pizzi
USS Compton Assn. (DD-705) in memory of Fredrick Link
August 2017
Earl and Ruth Reynolds in memory of Sidney M. Gluck
USS Compton Assn. (DD-705) in memory of Kay Prochazka
USS Hyman (DD-732) Assoc. in memory of shipmates
who have passed since their previous reunion in 2014
Karen & Harvey Peet in memory of Gregg Williams
USS Compton Assn. (DD-705) in memory of Earl Mileson
MaryBee Longabaugh in memory of Robert Longabaugh, USS Furse (DD-882)
July 2017
Campbell & Co. c/o Janice R. Promer in memory of Ronald Hightower
Steven & Janice Jenkins in loving & respectful memory of Ernest Borgnine
June 2017
Joseph Velkavrh in memory of Richard Archer MM2, KIA 9-25-67 USS Mansfield DD-728
a true American hero
USS Compton Assn. in memory of John 'Jack' Hunold
USS Charles S. Sperry (DD-697) in memory of Capt. Charles Murland Searight
USS Compton Assn. in memory of Daniel Turklay
Janice & Richard Haugen in memory of Donald Dormady
USS Miller (DD-535) in memory of Benny Heiskell
May 2017
Margaret Crennen in memory of Marty Crennen
Mystical Order Treasures of the Isle in memory of Bill Burnett
Barbara Sublett in memory of Warren Rayford Sublett
April 2017
Joanne Beres in memory of John Patrick Timothy Murphy
Anonymous in memory of William R. Mackenzie, USS McKean (DD-784)
March 2017
Tin Can Sailors Association of New Jersey in memory of Walter Zehrfuhs, USS Simpson (DD-221)
Bruce & Jinny Lieverman in memory of John Patrick Timothy Murphy
Keith & Jean Kass in memory of Richard Batezell
USS Compton (DD-705) Assoc., Inc. in memory of Richard Volpicelli
Rita Barbieri in memory of her husband, Richard J. Barbieri USS Jeffers (DD-621)
Rita Kocher in memory of her husband, Paul Kocher
February 2017
W. Bailey Bowline in memory of Edward J. Dagostin III
Mr. & Mrs. D.W. Robinson in memory of Edward J. Dagostin III
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn., Inc. in memory of Gary Marquart
USS Miller Association (DD-535) in memory of Charles Conner
USS Miller Association (DD-535) in memory of Frank E. Osborn
Jeffrey Minton in memory of John Patrick Timothy Murphy
Darryl Kirkman in memory of Fred Cothern
USS MacDonough Reunion Assoc. in memory of RDCS William B. Burnett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dickson in memory of John Patrick Timothy Murphy
Elizabeth Dickson in memory of John Patrick Timothy Murphy
Greg Foster in memory of Bill Burnett
Tin Can Sailors Association of New Jersey in memory of Roger Hunter
USS Furse Reunion Association in memory and honor of Capt. Thomas E. Lukas
Tin Can Sailors of Goose Creek South Carolina in memory of Robert P. Allen, LCDR, USN Ret.
Snavely Forest Products in memory of Fred Cothern
Nicole Robertson & Jared Jurkiewicz in honor of Fred Cothern
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn., Inc. in memory of Frank Caccioppoli
January 2017
Margaret Meyer in memory of her husband Robert 'Bob' Meyer, M.D.
USS Compton (DD-705) Association, Inc. in memory of Walter Frederick
USS Philip (DD-498) in memory of Warren Dunn KIA 29 Dec 1944
John Hanson in memory of Don Boehler
Dana Lichtenberger in memory of Eddie Gallagher
Suzanne Davis in memory of her father Michael Edward DeNofa
Darlene Cameron in memory of Gordon E. Cameron
Ann Britton in memory of Franklin E. 'Jake' Britton
Jeffrey Hoy in memory of his father Theodore Hoy
December 2016
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn. in memory of their recently departed shipmate Herman White
Norma Greenhut in memory of Sheldon I. Preville
Diane Peltin in memory of Thomas J. Peltin
Doris Jankowski in memory of Ernest Jankowski
November 2016
USS Compton (DD-705) in memory of James Ford, Granville 'George' Messick and Owen McLaughlin
Col. Steve Cotter & CDR. Charles Cotter in memory of CDR. Robert Paul Allen
Cheryl Harger in memory of her father, Robert G. Allard USS Porterfield (DD-682)
William Perkins in memory of all those men who served during the Korean War
Anonymous in memory of William Murphy, USS Stribling (DD-867)
Teresa Vigna-Cooper in memory of her father Anthony Vigna

October 2016
Mary Olsen in honor of JoAnn & Al Kacsur's 50th Wedding Anniversary
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) in memory of all their departed shipmates who served aboard the USS Wiltsie
George Dasney in honor of USS Dennis J. Buckley (DDR-808) sailors
General Dynamics in memory of Howard Barrett
USS Jonas Ingram (DD-938) in memory and honor of Capt. Grover L. Rawlings
Joan Emden in memory of her husband Fay Emden
USS Harold J. Ellison (DD-864) in memory of all deceased members of the Ellison Family
USS Mahan in tribute to their departed shipmate Wilfred A. 'Bill' Sumner
Delbert Krause in memory of Billy Massingale, friend and shipmate
Dan & Nancy Clotfelter in memory of Joseph Comerro
September 2016
Lawrence F. Lander in memory of his father Lawrence (Bud) Lander
Antoinette Kluck in memory of Philip R. Smith
USS Taylor (DD/DDE-468) in memory of Taylor sailors who passed away since their 2014 reunion
August 2016
USS Miller (DD-535) Assn. in memory of James Byrd
Leonard Stanga in memory of his father Leonard 'Sonny' Stanga
Dortha and Alan Nester in memory of Benjamin Sarfaty, USS Cole (DD-155)
Joseph Gannon in memory of Thomas Quigley, USS Beale (DD-471) and USS Tidewater (AD-31)
July 2016
Farragut Ship's Association, Inc. in memory of Donald Aman
Herbert and Bernice Lipkin in memory of Anthony Vigna
Doris Jankowski in memory of Ernest Jankowski
Steven Hess in memory of Abraham Illges, Jr., USS Forrest Sherman (DD-931)
USS Compton (DD-705) Association, Inc. in memory of Richard Walbridge, Sr.
Chris Craft Commander Club in honor of James M. Thomas, Chief Commander 2016
Darlene Cameron in memory of her husband, Gordon E. Cameron
Steven & Janice Jenkins in loving and respectful memory of Ernest Borgnine
The Ryerson Family in memory of Leo Fraser, USS Clarence K. Bronson (DD-668)

June 2016
Dana Lichtenberger in memory of Edward Gallagher
Joanne Case in memory of Edward Gallagher
USS Ault (DD-698) in memory of Roger L. Davis
USS Ault (DD-698) in memory of F.A. (Al) Spiers
Susan Sheats in memory of Philip Hollywood
USS Compton (DD-705) in memory of Raymond Duplessis
Paul Whitfield in memory of Ernest Borgnine and Ed Briedenbach
Thomas J. Miller in memory of James “Dan” Shehan

May 2016
Donald Wunderlich as a tribute to Ursula Wunderlich
Betty Cross in memory of Herbert Cross, USS Ammen (DD-527) and USS Harlan R. Dickson (DD-708)
Dorothy Vigna in memory of Anthony Vigna
Angela Stango in memory of Anthony Vigna
Norman and Sandra St. Aubin in memory of Anthony Vigna
Rosemarie Batty in memory of Anthony Vigna
Ted and Shannon Lowery in memory of Anthony Vigna
Lillian Tolo in memory of Anthony Vigna
John and Angela Bruno in memory of Anthony Vigna
Leon and Diane Thomas in memory of Anthony Vigna
Pablo & Evelyn Olmo in memory of Anthony Vigna
Glaxso Smith Kline in memory of Anthony Vigna
Philip and Anne Marie Walmsley in memory of Anthony Vigna
Nicholas Staffieri in memory of Anthony Vigna
David Cummins in memory of Anthony Vigna
Joyce McPhilemy in memory of Anthony Vigna
Ted and Brenda Strauss in memory of Anthony Vigna
USS Soley Reunion Association in memory of Anthony Vigna
Roy Malis in memory of Anthony Vigna
John and Marlene Gosson in memory of Anthony Vigna
Frank Brennan in memory of Anthony Vigna
Bobby Jackson in memory of Philip Hollywood
Steven Bralove in memory of Philip Hollywood
Kathleen McQuillan in memory of Philip Hollywood
June Miller and Cathy Guzauskas in memory of Philip Hollywood James and Marcia Guzauskas in memory of Philip Hollywood Frank and Mary Giovenco in memory of Philip Smith
James and Cheryl Magda in memory of Philip Smith
Elizabeth Gatti in memory of Philip Smith
Amelia Capozzelli in memory of Philip Smith
Scott and Kelly Krutz in memory of Philip Smith
USS Ammen (DD-527) in memory of Arthur Aubrey
Elizabeth Gallagher in memory of Edward Gallagher
Marilyn Tracy in memory of Donald “Scotty” Skotnicki
Susan Pilla in memory of Lawrence Cochran
Elizabeth Christensen in memory of Carl Christensen
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of James Fahey
Tin Can Sailors of Goose Creek, SC in memory of William “Bill” H. Farmer EMC, USN Ret
Cortland Moose Lodge 1012 in memory of John Jackson

April 2016
George & Mary Ann Gochalla in memory of Philip R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Piccione in memory of Philip R. Smith
Helene & Joe Chuckra in memory of Philip R. Smith
Ann Pardee in memory of Philip R. Smith
Charles Altmiller in memory Philip R. Smith
Mary Magda in memory of Philip R. Smith
Maximum Care, Inc. in memory of Philip Smith
Retired State Police Association, Inc. of Pennsylvania, Inc. in memory of Philip R. Smith
Marian Gittings and Rose Andreoli in memory of Edward Gallagher
Walter & Janet Downey in memory of Edward Gallagher
Suzanne Convery in memory of Arthur W. Mills II
Daniel Weiner in memory of Arthur W. Mills II
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Moore in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Gail & Jeff White in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Amy Goldberg in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Donna DeEsso in memory of Andrew Ginipro
John Marks in memory of Philip Hollywood
Kathleen Hollywood in memory of Philip Hollywood
Lauren Baran in memory of Philip Hollywood
Jennifer Kondak in memory of Donald Lorimer
Fred & Doris Babbitt in memory of Marvin Siebke, USS Jenkins (DD-447)
John Gross in memory of John Wilson
US Naval Academy Class of 1953 Twenty Second Company's Memorial Fund in honor of Capt. Eddie F. Best
Marie Belcher in memory of Edward Gallagher
Suzanne Peltzman in memory of William McGovern

March 2016
Joanne Olson in memory of Andrew Ginipro
William & Marianne Murray in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Donald & Joan Vanacore in memory of Andrew Ginipro
AnneMarie Leone & Rennie Dorfman in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Theresa Delgado in memory of Andrew Ginipro
James & Erin Axton in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Jerry & Barbara Clarelli in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Cynthia Howard & Jeffery Hartos in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Casey & Laura McGinley in memory of Andrew Ginipro
Charles Hancock in memory of Harold D. Lamb (Aug 10, 1928 - Jan 12, 2016) USS Kidd (DD-661)
Tin Can Sailors of Goose Creek, SC in memory of David L. Hansen, YNCN (SS) CMMC, USN, Ret.
Gertrude Bowman in memory of CPO Raymond Bowman
Maryland State Police IT Division in memory of Thomas F. Konzal, USS Sterett (DD-407) WWII
Susanne M. Pilling in memory of Clarence Leon Pilling, USS McCaffery (DD-860)
Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies Auxiliary #1413 in memory of Lester Wheeler
Sally Stockwell in memory of Lester Wheeler
Steven & Denise Hood in memory of Lester Wheeler
Daniel Furline in memory of John Furline, USS John Hood (DD-655)
Jerry Richman in memory of John Furline, USS John Hood (DD-655)
Joe Daniel in memory of John Furline, USS John Hood (DD-655)
J. Thomas Belcher in memory in memory of John Furline, USS John Hood (DD-655)

February 2016
USS Brownson Association DD-868/518) in memory of Charles L. Traxler
Aimee Zakheim in memory of Arthur W. Mills II
The Wahl Family in memory of Arthur W. Mills II
Stephen & Christine DeLosh in memory of Arthur W. Mills II
The Devanski Family in memory of John Wilson
Lisa Girouard in memory of John Wilson
Ashley Bush in memory of John McDonald
Judith Trepanowski in memory of John McDonald
Harvey & Karen Peet in memory of Ricky 'Swede' Nelson, U.S. Coast Guard
Gordon Dodge in memory of Edward Disco
Matthew Blackak in memory of Edward Disco
John & Charlene Parker in memory of Edward Disco
Josephine Smith in memory of Austin E. Disco
Katherine Mentor in memory of Austin E. Disco
Betty Slate in memory of Austin E. Disco
Dorothy Strebel in memory of Edward Disco
Dave & Dorie Walmsley in memory of Edward Disco
William & Claire Barber in memory of Edward Disco
Joanne Agnoli in memory of Edward Disco
Roger Sherry in memory of Edward Disco
Charles & Sandra Horvath in memory of Gary Bowman, USS McKean (DD/DDR-784)

January 2016
Mary Welch in memory of Anthony 'Kubi' Gates
The Reo Family in memory of Stanley Bogdanowicz
Thomas Dacey in memory of Edward Disco
Ann Sorel in memory of Edward Disco
The Mahler Family in memory of John McDonald
Chuck & Barbara Graybill in memory of Peter Bahr

December 2015

Len Stanga in memory of Leonard 'Sonny' Stanga
Diane Peltin in memory of her husband Tom Peltin
Carol and Stephen McKinney in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Frank and Betty Lou Gray in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Ward, Jr. in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Adrienne Boyd in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Cecil County School Employees' Federal Credit Union in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Members of the Special Education Staff at Rising Sun School:
Sarah Guinta, Dana Brown, Becca McCall, Allyson Keller and Brenda King in memory of R. Eugene Clay
USS Compton Assn. (DD-705) in memory of Peter Rowell
Kuno Edwards in honor of USS Rogers DDR-876 Crew 1952-1955
Rebecca Killham in memory of William Bayley
USS Compton Assn. (DD-705) in memory of Wayne Thornburg
Norma Harrenstein in memory of her husband William S. Harrenstein
George Beardsworth on behalf of the crew of the USS Franks (DD-554)
Charles and Terry McKee in memory of TSgt. George L. Roundsley, AAF, WWII; Sgt. Michael Guess, Charlie I-9 (USMC) Vietnam; and Robert Doheny (USMC)

November 2015

Daniel and Kathleen Field in memory of Robert Durand, USS Richard P. Leary (DD-664)
USS Compton Assn (DD-705) in memory of James McKelva
USS Zellars (DD-777) in memory of Howard Blessit

October 2015

Charles McKee in memory of his uncle, George Roundsley US Army Air Force-WWII
Jarrard Family in memory of Lamar J. Jarrard
Melody East in honor of Dossie East
Patricia Dacey in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Nancy and William Crouch in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Arlene Zappo in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Margaret Block in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Mary Lou Preston Knox in memory of R. Eugene Clay
James and Barbara Wallace in memory of R. Eugene Clay
Anne and Ted Pagano in memory of R. Eugene Clay

September 2015

USS Miller (DD-535) in memory of John Brohel
USS Ault (DD-698) as a tribute to all who served aboard the Ault
Anonymous in memory of William Bonneville USS Stribling (DD-867)
John Gable in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Jo Young in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Heather Langley in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
American Legion Ridgers Post 880 in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Heather & Anthony Snyder in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn. in memory of Joseph Bonaventura
Harold Burke & Nancy Maczka in memory of Plank Owner Art Scmitt, USS The Sullivans (DD-537), 1943-1945
William H. Perkins in memory of those who served during the Korean War
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) in memory of all their departed shipmates who served aboard the USS Wiltsie
USS Philip (DD-498) in memory of Warren C. Dunn
Shannon Mahony Rosas in memory of John J. Milo Rosas
Joyce Herman & Irma Spencer in memory of Donald Skotnicki
Lynn S. Garrett in memory of his sonar shipmates James Brotherton and John Shanahan, USS Frank E. Evans (DD-754) 1954-1957

August 2015

Ernest 'Chip' & Sharon Lavine in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Barry & Sharon Miller in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
John & Jane Poelzl in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Cheryl Feinberg in memory of her father, Jerome Feinberg
Myra Ramers in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Stephen & Laverne Bachesta in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Monica Komoromi in memory of Jerome Feinberg
George & Barbara Lanxon in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Harold & Kim Frenzel in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Craig & Susan Anderson in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Helen Phillips in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Mary Ann Derfler in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Terri L. Johnson in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Barb Borisuk in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Lara Showmaker in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Cathy Showmaker in memory of Jerome Feinberg
Mary Jane Hudson in memory of her husband, Jerry R. Hudson

July 2015

Elaine Lasch in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Boyd Senior Planning, Ltd. in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
American Legion Auxiliary Post 880 in memory of Delory 'Skeet' Seldomridge
American Legion Post 880 in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Jane Stetson in memory of her husband Wendell Stetson, USS Stoddard (DD-566)
Donald Harnish in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
The Brocato Family in honor their uncle, Salvatore Chiasitelli's 95th Birthday
G. Philip & Carol Snyder in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
John & Gale Terek in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Dennis & K. Georgette Keener in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Larry & Laurie Eaton in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
W. Lee & Barbara Woodmansee in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Bruce & Cynthia Behney in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Ann H. Kline, Esquire in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
The Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
George Dasney, Ed Schrader, Ken Stone and George Estey of the USS Dennis Buckely (DD-808) in memory of their shipmate, Robert N. Brown
Dennis & Sharon Seldomridge in memory of his brother Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Dennis Kanter in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Carolyn Goepfert in memory of Richard B. Patterson
Rick and Mary Eshelman in memory of Delroy 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Florence O'Connor in memory of Delory 'Skeet' Seldomridge
Fred L. Babbitt in memory of Paul Mahan TM3
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn. in memory of Charles 'Jake' Jakob
Steven Jenkins in loving and respectful memory of Ernest Borgnine
USS Furse in memory of LCDR Albert H. Jones
Linda Huggens in memory of her husband, Dennis E. Huggens

June 2015

David B. Petrie in memory of Herbert L. 'Mike' Norfolk, USS Gearing (DD-710)
USS Miller (DD-525) Assn. in memory of William Tedesco
USS Ingersoll Vets in memory of their deceased shipmates: William A. Bloom, Charles W. Fusfield, Paul L. Nuschke, Wayne E. Thompson, Martin A. Villano, John M. Bangerter, Elton R. Burbank, David Holuk, Keith J. Pecha, Stephen A. Simpson, Harry W. Vanderhule, Jr. Mac Alden Bowlig, Thomas D. Hamrick, James R. Hanson, and Donald Molowski
USS Comjpton in memory of their recenty departed shipmates Louis Rainone and Francis Davis
William Collins and Patricia Goldsmith in memory of Donald Skotnicki, USS Norfolk 1956-1961
Coy and Joyce Wilhelm in memory of Henry Choate, USS Stribling (DD-867)Joyce Durkee in memory of Henry Choate, USS Stribling DD-867
Sonia and Charles Kisamore in memory of their dear departed friend, Henry Choate, USS Stribling DD-867
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn. in memory of their recently departed shipmate William Strahl
Christine Maloney and Peter Brennan in memory of Henry Choate, USS Stribling DD-867
Laura and James Bynum in memory of Hoyt Smith

May 2015

The Noval Family in memory of Donald Skotnicki
Darlene Gordon in memory of her husband Gordon Cameron
James Misselwitz in memory of John Patryk
Paul Misselwitz in memory of John Patryk

April 2015

Steve Sporcic in memory of Terry Herban, USS Zellars (DD-777)
Janice Brett in memory of her father, John Patryk
Margaret Tanttila in memory of Vern 'Andy' Anderson
Arlene Skotnicki in memory of her husband, Donald Skotnicki
Antonia Wilfred in memory of Donald Skotnicki
Ginny & Scott Newkirk in memory of John Patryk
Anonymous in memory of Weldon Bunting
Jacqueline Snyder in memory of her husband Marvin Snyder
Donald & Betty Wagner in memory of Donald Skotnicki
Charles & Mary Jane Pierce in memory of Donald Skotnicki
Lucy Finocchiaro in memory of Donald Skotnicki
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn., Inc. in memory of RIchard Gushue
Betty Feathers in honor of her husband Robert Feathers
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of their recently departed shipmate John Soderlund
Fred Babbitt in memory of Louis G. Baker, Jr. BT2 USS Barney (DDG-6)

March 2015

USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of their recently departed shipmate George Ritchie
TIn Can Sailors of Goose Greek, SC in memory of their shipmate
Frank B. Willams who survived the sinking of the USS Hobson
Sue Rodrick in memory of her father, a WWII Navy veteran
James Fox in memory of his sonar shipmate Raymond F. Wolf, SO3, USS McCord (DD-534) 1952-54 and USS Stormes (DD-780) 1954-55
Martin R. Larsson in memory of his father Richard F. Larsson
USS William M. Wood (DD/DDR-715) in remembrance of Chuck Straub, a past Captain of the ship
USS Melvin (DD-680) in memory of their Crew #1 from 1943-1946 and Crew #2 from 1951-1953

February 2015

Ralph Senk in memory of his shipmate and friend Frank Green, USS Samuel B. Roberts (DD-823)
USS Hyman DD-732 Association in memory of their departed long time Reunion Chairman, Ralph Beck
Thomas Quenzer in memory of Robert Powell
Tin Can Sailors Assn. of New Jersey in memory of Ed Breidenbach, past Commander for over twelve years and one of their founders.

January 2015

Anonymous in memory of Billy Brown
USS Bausell (DD-845) Assn. on behalf of shipmate I.C. Smith for services rendered who served on USS Bauer (DE-1025), USS Herbert J. Thomas (DD-833) and USS Cogswell (DD-651)
Suzanne Davis in memory of her father Michael Edward DeNofa
Diane Tempus in memory of husband Norman Charles Tempus (USS Piedmont AD-17, 46-47)
Tracy Thomas in memory of her father Norman Charles Tempus (USS Piedmont AD-17, 46-47)

December 2014

Jon Miller in tribute to the USS Mullany Reunion Association
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of their recently departed shipmate Robert Wolfe
Nicole Nadal in memory of her father Bob Nadal
Martha Heal in memory of her husband Walter Heal
Bruce Johnson in memory of a close and departed freind Edward Gladkowski of Houston, TX
Lois Lavine in memory of her husband, Phillip Lavine
Mary Mahoney in memory of Michael Jack Kelly
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of their recently departed shipmate James Byrne

November 2014

Roger Wood in memory of Jesse Paul Wood, USS PUTNAM (DD-757)
Evangeline Miller in memory of her husband, Raymond A. Miller
Fred B. Wright SO2 in memory of Kenneth A. Graybeal, SO2, 1951-1954, USS Murray (DD/DDE-576)
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of their recently departed shipmate Henry Foglino
Sheldon Preville in memory of his shipmate and friend Bill Geary, USS Renshaw (DD-499)

October 2014

USS SIerra (AD-18) Veterans Assn. in memory of
their long time hospitality manager, Dennis A. Cichowicz
Mrs. DeLores Koch in memory of her husband Herman Koch
Mrs. Bernice Curtis in memory of her husband Theodore E. Curtis
Mrs. Dorothy Jones in memory of her husband James A. Jones
Capt. Laurence T. Furey in memory of Capt. Roy O. Girod
USS Taylor (DD/DDE-468) in honor of the 53 sailors who have passed away between their reunions in 2012 and their recently completed one in 2014
USS Bristol (DD-857) in honor of their shipmate Gerald S. McCall MM3, 1948-1952

September 2014

Charles Leonard in memory of Bernard (Bud) Flately, Jr.
Shannon Mahony Rosas in memory of her husband John J. Rosas
James J. Packman and Andrew R. Cohen in memory of Howard Packman 1935-2014
The Geary Family in loving memory of William H. Geary (USS Renshaw and USS John R. Pierce)
Bonnie McCracken in honor of her father James McCracken for his 73rd Birthday

August 2014

USS Compton (DD-705) Association, Inc. in memory of their recently departed shipmate Harry Dockstader
Jonathan Charnes in memory of LT JG David Yablong
William Perkins in memory of all those falled during the Korean War

July 2014

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Breiner in memory of Bruce T. Campbell, Chief Petty Officer
Robert and Helen Wax in memory of David Yablong
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of their recently departed shipmate, Clarence Hamby

June 2014

David Breen in memory of John P. Reardon
Richard Leitch, Jr. in honor of Ralph Beck, USS Hyman (DD-732)
Arthur Schaffer in memory of Ed Crowell, USS McCaffery (DD-860)
USS Bausell Association in memory of their dear departed good friends and shipmates YOSN Vincent Interrantee and FTG-3 Kenneth Pieklo
The Bethke Family in honor of their father, Dale Bethke
Thomas Mergen in honor of Jim Bowker WWII veteran
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Breiner in memory of James R. Helfer

May 2014

Dr. Karen Smith in memory of D. Robert Sertell
D.C. Ladner in memory of D. Robert Sertell
Anonymous in memory of David Yablong
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of Francis Wilson
AIPAC in memory of David Yablong
Russell Frignoca in honor of USS Hazelwood (DD-531)
Patricia Budzeleski in memory of Edward Budzeleski

April 2014
Jennifer Ciuffo-Clark in memory of Richard Kambach
Gary Dahlsted in memory of Sal Garcia
Tina Poist in memory of her husband William
Mrs. Zenon Zadlock (DD-947) and family in memory of William J. Martin, US Navy Veteran
Thomas Roell in memory of Donald Wright

March 2014
Bethany Luther Church Men's Prayer Breakfast Group in honor of sailors who serve on USS O'Hare DD/DDR-889
Thomas Arel in memory of Charlie David Knight, USS Glennon DD-840
George Dasney, George Estey & Ken Stone of the USS Dennis Buckley DDR-808 in memory of Karl Stroh MM2 55-58
Thomas Roell in honor of sailors who served on the USS Douglas H. Fox DD-779
David Powell in memory of Ensign Terry Earhart
Daniel Staruch in memory of Werner Walther
William Frost in memory of Werner Walther

February 2014

The Old Guard of Forked River, N.J., Inc. in memory of Werner Walther
Deborah Tiernan in memory of her father, Douglas Hayden
LeRoy Klock in memory of Hank Mueller
Clinton Morse in memory of Edward H. Patton, Jr.
Mary Meyer in memory of her husband Paul
Christine Twarek in memory of her father, Stephen James Robel
Harvey Peet in memory of Robert Rylander
USS Bausell Association

January 2014

Jack Evelyn in memory of Richard (Dick) Russell
USS Miller Association II in memory of Hank Mueller
The USS Carpenter (DD-825) Shipmates Assn. in memory of Peter Cullins, Ed Dugard, Lewis Graville, Richard Howgard, Richard Lampman, Harvey Pelster, Russ Russell, John Stack and Joe Yee
USS Compton (DD-705) Assn. in memory of Peter Lux
In Memory of Harry H. Howard
Kathleen H. Constance in memory of William Brown
Bioventus in memory of Kenneth Long
Andrew M. Szych, Sr. and Patricia A. Peters in memory of Jean H. Marcel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Neil in memory of William Brown
Mrs. Phyllis Taylor in memory of her husband Stanton

December 2013

Mary Ann Dillon in memory of William H. Brown
Charles Brodt in memory of William H. Brown
Ann Travis in memory of William H. Brown
Mrs. Joanne Scruggs in memory of her husband Lonnie
Wayne Hamilton in memory of Jeffrey Dean
Mrs. Annie Mae Cowardin in memory of her husband Jimmy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Reynolds in memory of William H. Brown
Edward Hayes in memory of his father Charles J. Hayes
Sharon Sager in memory of her father-in-law Charles J. Hayes
USS Alfred A. Cunningham Reunion Association in memory of shipmates and wives who have passed away during the past year: Harley James, Jim Forbes, Alex Willette, Margaret Gillick (wife of Ed Gillick), Gloria Johnson (wife of Mike Johnson) and Marie Willette (wife of Alex Willette)
USS Compton (DD-705) Association, Inc. in memory of Emery 'Rip' Jordan
Madeline Compton in memory of her husband Woodie

November 2013

Subaru of American, Inc. Marketing Dept. in memory of Kenneth G. Long
Catherine Wahlen in memory of Hoyt Smith
Committee Members of the Little Red Schoolhouse in memory of Kenneth G. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cummings in memory of Kenneth G. Long
Thomas Arel in memory of George Schultz
USS Bache Association in memory of Kittredge “Kit” Hall, Thomas “Tom” Cooper and Charles “Chuck” Distelrath
USS Compton (DD-705) Association, Inc. in memory of Kenneth Costic
Shirley Chartier in memory of her husband Lew
Marvin Korff in memory of Ken Long
Susan Frierson and Rosemary Greenlee in memory of Hoyt Smith
State Court of DeKalb County Clerk’s Office and Magistrate Court of DeKalb County in memory of Hoyt Smith
Christine Gilmer & Family in memory of her father Hoyt “Piggy” Smith
Subaru of America Foundation, Inc. in memory of Ken Long
Donald Neale, Sr. in memory of Jack Louis Van Dyke
Mrs. Kathleen Jess in memory of her husband Robert
John Goeltz in memory of Ken Long
Deanna Dameika in memory of Ken Long
Mrs. Jean T. McGriff in memory of Hoyt “Piggy” Smith
Mr. & Mrs. C.R. Popwell in memory of Hoyt Smith
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Wood in memory of Hoyt Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James Bratton in memory of Hoyt Smith

October 2013

Leona Rieder and Family in memory of Eugene Rieder
LOOP, LLC in memory of Kenneth Long
Guido Neels in memory of Kenneth G. Long
Anonymous in memory of Raymond Chaves
Jolene Girard in memory of Jack L. Van Dyke
Mr. & Mrs. William Dodson in memory of Hoyt Smith
Judy and Sam Appel in memory of Hoyt Smith
Blythe P. Ashmore Minter in memory of Hoyt Smith
Mrs. Joyce Chambers in memory of Hoyt Smith
Gary Suters and Family in memory of Hoyt Smith
Miss Ann Edwards in memory of Hoyt Smith
USS Wiltsie (DD-716) Reunion Association in memory of all their departed shipmates
USS Ingersoll Vets (DD-652/990) for:

Jerrell P. Childress RDM3 in 1945
Warren W. Clayton RM1 1943 to 1946
Donald J. French EM2 1944 to 1946
David M. Kaplan YN2 1943 to 1945
Jack Skiddell S1C1943 to 1945
Korean Era (1951-1959)
Richard F. Allarding SH2 1951 to 1955
Roger R. Bechard EMFN 1951
Warren W. Clayton 1952 to 1953
William (Bill) C. Conklin EN3 1952 to 1954
Thomas W. Enright FT2 1951 to 1954
Herbert Erickson HM2 1953 to 1955
Charles Gore SN 1952 to 1954
James H. Lawson CS2 1951 to 1954
Benjamin H. “Ben” Little BMS 1951 to 1954
Bruce N. Nieto QMSN2 1954 to 1957
Charles Stephens QM3 1952 to 1953
James M. Verts FP3 1951 to 1952
Jack D. Wilson 1952 to 1953

Vietnam Era (1960-1970)

Arthur Brearley LT(jg) 1961 to 1963
Richard (Rick) Jones MM2 1965 to 1969
James (Jim) L. McCallister MM3 1964 to 1966
James (Rolie) Townsend SN 1963 to 1966
Bill Witte ENS/LT(jg) 1959 to 1961

September 2013

The Minor Family in memory of Harold G. Minor, ComDesRon-53, USS Colahan (DD-658), USS Halsey Powell (DD-686) and USS Cushing (DD-797)
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jacinto in memory of Raymond Chaves
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of James Dixon
Tom and Sue Doyle in memory of Donald Auer
Bob and Mary Brueggeman in memory of Donald Auer
Kathleen Piepenburg in memory of Donald Auer
Karen and Ron White in memory of Donald Auer
Sue Auer in memory of her husband Donald
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johnson in memory of George Anderson

August 2013

Wayne Stumm in memory of his brother, Capt. Clifford A. Stumm, USA, 42nd F.A. Bn., 4th Division
Shannon Mahony Rosas in memory of her husband, OSCS john Joseph 'Milo' Rosas retired Senior Chief
B.J. Barros and Jack Hall in memory of Vincent Bruce BM3, USS Abbot (DD-629)
Mary Kittredge in memory of her husband, Bruce
Jan Jenkins in memory of Ernest Borgnine
Denise Burnison in memory of her father Richard J. Burnison Sr. and the ships he served aboard

July 2013

The Kafasis Family in memory of George Polisson
Thomas Mergen in honor of his uncle Jim Bowker
Arlene Duglin in honor of Sheldon Preville's 90th Birthday
Annette and Josh Verona in honor of Sheldon Preville's 90th Birthday
Anonymous in honor of Sheldon Preville's 90th Birthday
James Elliott in memory of Thomas Elliott
USS Walke Association in memory of Wayne Harris

USS Walke Association in memory of Richard Nelson

June 2013
Andrew J. Merkowsky III and Family in memory of CDR. Andrew J. Merkowsky USS Jarvis (DD-799)
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of shipmate William Kowalchuck

May 2013

Susan Hollinshead in memory of her father Earl
JoAnne Vestal in memory of her father Tom
The Forbes family in honor of the 90th birthday of Paul Tirone
Safe Zone, LLC in memory of Ed Fox
Janice Gannon in memory of Ed Fox
Russ Fernandes in memory of Vi Hilton for her dedication to TCS

April 2013

Denise Burnison in memory of her father, Richard J. Burnison Sr. S2
The DuBose Family in memory of James T. DuBose
Christian Orr in memory of Chief Petty Officer (Ret.) Arthur Harpst (USS Kincaid)
Mrs. Jane Allardyce in memory of her husband John
USS Walke Association in memory of shipmate John Garrett, EN3
Ed Heasley IV, Sally French, Kate A. Harris, grandchildren and great grandchildren in memory of Michael Arthur McCormick, USS Butler , for his patriotism and loyalty

March 2013

Mrs. Phyllis Woodman in memory of her husband Ron
USS Compton (DD-705) Association, Inc. in memory of shipmate Gerald Gluck
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kimber in memory of their father Gerald Kimber
Michael Medvegy in memory of his father Edward
Russell H. Fernandes, Sr. in memory of Capt. Jim Gavin, Ed Ward, George Moore, Tom Peltin and Ernest Borgnine
Russell H. Fernandes, Sr. in memory of my wife Laura M. Fernandes, our 70 years together
Lois & Tony Foster in memory of Herbert Dan Taylor
Barbara Herochik in memory of John Osage
Art and Millie Schaffer in memory of Tom Wert, USS McCaffery (DD-860)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chesmore in memory of Herbert Dan Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Del Krause in memory of Capt. William H. Hardcastle, Jr., USN (Ret.)
The Staff of Tin Can Sailors in memory of Vi Hilton
The Tin Can Sailors Board of Directors in memory of Violet “Vi” Hilton, wife of retired former TCS Vice President, Lee Hilton, for her many years of dedication to Tin Can Sailors activities.
USS Turner (DD/DDR-834) Reunion Association in memory of departed shipmate and ASSOCIATION FOUNDER, Richard Shanaberger
Gordon T. Campbell in memory of John Ellsworth

February 2013

USS Shelton (DD/DDR-790) Reunion Association in memory of Frank Perate
The “PIPs” in memory of John O’Sage
The Estate of Frank Kumrow, Jr. in tribute to his fellow shipmates
William F. Mansfield in memory of Robert Ryan of Albuquerque, NM and Neil Makin of Twin Falls, ID of the USS Hale (DD-642)
Sheldon, Barbara and Steven Preville in memory of departed shipmate and friend Dick Wenzel
Jan and Linda VanTuyl in memory of Herbert Dan Taylor
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of departed shipmate Hubert Cheek
William & Wendy Hughes in loving memory of Herbert Dan Taylor
Carla Abshire in memory of her father Carl Abshire
Denise Burnison in memory of her father Richard J. Burnison, Sr. S2
Charlene Kimber in memory of her husband, Gerald Kimber

January 2013

Bob and Agnes Wilcox in memory of Allen van Emmerik
Toni Killian in memory of Gerald Kimber
Sheila Burns in memory of Gerald Kimber
Thomas Dara in memory of Gerald Kimber
Mark Burns in memory of Gerald Kimber
Richard Beuthin in memory of Gerald Kimber
Josephine Verdi in memory of her husband Jack
Ray (Tom) Walsh in memory of 'The Great White Fleet'

December 2012

Mike Heembrock in memory of Richard Pozzi
Wayne Huddleston in memory of his father Wayne Huddleston
Plankowner Frank Stowell MM2 in honor of the sailors who served aboard the USS Fiske (DD-842)
Brian O'Hara in memory of Jesse C. Bishop, USS Benner (DD/DDR-807)
Joyce Mennitt and Jeff Hersey in memory of Gerald Kimber
Jim Daviero in memory of Gerald Kimber
Ray Grabianowski in memory of Jack Post
Dorothy Raso in memory of Jack Post
Jersey Central Power and Light Co. Lineman Crew Members in memory of Zenon Zadlock
Thomas Arel in memory of George Schultz USS Glennon (DD-840)
Patricia Van Orman in memory of her brother Robert P. O’Brien
USS Uhlmann (DD-687) Association in memory of Lt. Phillip Henoch
Captain Lewellen in memory of Walter Gabriel and Art Sellers
Bud Holland for Peter Schultz and Jack Logan
George Jordan for Don Borland and Mike Scarola
“Mac” McKenna for Gerald Tubergen & Tom Egan
USS Quick (DD-490/DMS-32) Association in memory of all shipmates who served aboard the USS Quick
Mrs. Juanita Botkin in memory of her husband James T. Botkin

November 2012

Kathleen Wilkins in memory of her husband Ed
Alice and Tom Pendergast in memory of Gerry Lamoureux
Josephine Verdi in memory of her husband Jack
Matt and Mariel Kiernan in memory of Jack Post
Mrs. Janet Behrendt in memory of Jack Post
Denise Burnison in memory of her father Richard

October 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Pozzi in memory of his father, Richard
Mrs. Dorothy Moore in memory of George T. Moore
Margaret Ann and Dick McIntosh in memory of Gilbert Strickland
Margaret Strickland in memory of her husband, Gilbert
John Blaney in memory of Arthur Jones
Mrs. Evelyn Witt in memory of her husband Hiram
USS Wiltsie(DD-716) Reunion Association in memory of all departed Wiltsie shipmates
USS Compton (DD-705 Association in memory of departed shipmate, Warren Francis, MD
Jill Strickland Chmura in memory of her father, Gilbert StricklandJohn B. Senter and Mary Frances Loftus in memory of Jerome J. Gold, DDS
New York Marine & Towing in memory of Zenon Zadlock
Ron Tucker and Jim Morrisey in memory of Zenon Zadlock
Jersey Central Power in memory of Zenon Zadlock
USS Alfred A. Cunningham (DD-752) Reunion Association in memory of Margaret Gillick

September 2012

Wayne E. Huddleston in memory of his father, Wayne Huddleston
USS Philip (DD-498) Reunion Group in memory of Warren Dunn

August 2012

Mrs. Mary Haworth in memory of her husband, Ken
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Feathers in memory of Bertram J. Rodgers
Deborah, Jeff, Sydney, Harrison, Wayne, Heather, Matthew & Peg in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Preville's 55th Wedding Anniversary
Bill Sumner in memory of all former USS Mahan sailors
Denise Burnison in memory of her father Richard Burnison
USS WALKE Association in memory of shipmate, Donald White, DVM

July 2012

Michelle Zadlock in memory of Zenon Zadlock
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whitfield in memory of Ernest Borgnine
Stuart Nickerson in memory of Ernest Borgnine
The Gunter Family in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mrs. Jan Jenkins in memory of Ernest Borgnine
Mr. Roy Thomas in memory of Ernest Borgnine and Thomas Peltin

June 2012

Monica Tomaszewski in memory of Edward Wilkins
Sylvia and Phil Wiser in memory of Richard Pozzi
Keven McDonald in memory of his father Arthur G. McDonald
Ms. H.J. Yoon in memory of Arthur G. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Jay McHale in loving memory of Richard Pozzi
Paul J. Krump & Anne M. Schmidt-Krump in memory of Richard Pozzi
Paul Lewis in memory of Richard Pozzi
Eric Ash in memory of his father, David Ash, USS Ingraham (DD-694)
James West in memory of Richard Pozzi
Denise Burnison in memory of her father, Richard J. Burnison, Sr.
Gerald and Gianine Ippolito in memory of Richard Pozzi
Victoria Valli in memory of William Lunden
Ralph and Elaine Beck in memory of John Neilson
USS Hyman (DD-732) Association in memory of John Neilson
Barb Sandelands in memory of Richard Pozzi

May 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Frank (Bud) McLean in memory of William Lunden
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berthiaume in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Dubia in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Twyman in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. Elliott Wiser in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. John Mizzi in memory of Richard Pozzi
Ms. Nancy Dorcey in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reed in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ellis in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. Mark Locke in memory of Richard Pozzi
USS Ingraham (DD-694) Association in honor of Jerry King
Charles Leonard in honor of Major General William H. Rupertus, U.S.M.C. Namesake of Rupertus (DD-851)
Charles Leonard in memory of Rupertus shipmate Bob Duer
Red Hat Society of Somerset--Sewing Circle in memory of Muriel Allenson
Mr. & Mrs. James Pittinger in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mrs. Maureen Brundage in memory of Richard Pozzi
Whip, Watt, Bink, Ralph and Jim Brun in memory of their USS Heermann (DD-532) shipmate and buddy Fred Beach
Mr. & Mrs. John Middleton in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eremita in memory of William Lunden
Mrs. Mildred Ludemann in memory of her husband William
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Edsall in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Morrison, Jr. in memory of Richard Pozzi
USS Compton (DD-705) Association in memory of Arthur Byrne
Michelle Zadlock in memory of her father Zenon

April 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fincher in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stolz in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Verduin in memory of Richard Pozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Delldonna in memory of William Lunden
Anne Rocco in memory of Richard Pozzi
Violeta DeLeon in memory of Jack McGrade
Philip Fiscus in memory of Richard Pozzi
John Sieczkowski in memory of Richard Pozzi
Michael Gach in memory of John McGrade
Douglas Thompson in memory of William Lunden
Joan Sherrick in memory of William Lunden
The Dumond Family in memory of William Lunden
Joane Colburn in memory of William Lunden
The Guiliano Family in memory of William Lunden
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rand in memory of William Lunden
Dennis Murray in memory of Arthur McDonald
Alice DiStefano in memory of Arthur McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Szilagyi in memory of Arthur McDonald
K & S Iron Works, Inc. in memory of George Marek
Alice (Totsy) Wagner and Family in memory of George Marek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hollander in memory of Jack McGrade
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conklin in memory of Jack McGrade
Ladies Auxiliary Alert Hook Ladder & Engine Co. #1 in memory of Jack McGrade
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McKenna in memory of Jack McGrade
Mr. & Mrs. James Hershberger in memory of Jack McGrade
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sikes in memory of George Marek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mills in memory of George Marek
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hannum in memory of George Marek
Ms. Mary Moursund Reagor & Mr. F. M. (Fuzzy) Reagor in memory of George Marek
Tin Can Sailors of New Jersey, Inc. in memory of James Murphy and Ed Timm

March 2012

Michelle Zadlock in memory of Zenon Zadlock

February 2012

Denise Burnison in memory of Richard J. Burnison, Sr.
Ralph Senk in memory of U.S. Marine Tech Sgt. Melvin Wilson
Calvin Lawrence in memory of all deceased shipmates of the USS Hyman (DD-732)
Pam Mathews in memory of her husband, P.J.
Mary McGuire in memory of her husband, Raymond
USS Ingraham (DD-694) Reunion Group in memory of shipmate, Robert P. Olsen
Dia Vickery in memory of her step-father, Edward H. Michalski
Michelle Zadlock in memory of her father, Zenon Zadlock
USS Sterett Association (DD-27/407; DLG-31; DDG-104) in honor of all who served or are serving on these ships

January 2012

Rarltan Bay Cardiology Group in memory of Zenon Zadlock
Lorraine Gambert in memory of John F. McNamara

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