Super Wing Commander Mac Download


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During the Super Wing Commander campaign, you have the opportunity to fly up to five types of ships. Although the cockpits have different instrument arrangements, they contain the same dials and gauges. The viewscreen and Heads-up Display provide a clear view of space directly ahead of you. Super Wing Commander - A revamped version of WC1 has been released for the 3DO and Macintosh platforms, incorporating completely redone hi-resolution graphics, full speech during all the cinematic sequences, and more.

Super Wing Commander

Developer: Origin Systems
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: Mac OS Classic
Released in US: March 1995

This game has debugging material.

This enhanced remake of the original Wing Commander was only released for the 3DO and Macintosh platforms.

Hidden Options

At any time after starting a game, type $ to bring up a password dialog.

Incorrect passwords will be admonished by this crudely drawn face—a programmer self-portrait?

The correct password is SWCBuster, case sensitive. It will unlock four flags you can set:

  • Unchecking 'Bangable' will make you immune to collision damage, and unchecking 'Killable' will make you immune to any damage.
  • Checking 'Finger Of Death' will let you instantly kill a targeted enemy by typing S.
  • 'Picker Access' may refer to a level select, but there is no known way to make use of it.

Commander One Mac

The Wing Commander series
DOSWing Commander • Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi • Wing Commander: Privateer (Righteous Fire)
SNESWing Commander • Wing Commander: The Secret Missions
Mac OS ClassicSuper Wing Commander
Game Boy AdvanceWing Commander: Prophecy
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Thanks to the advice from 'Bandit LOAF' and others, I have finally assembled a machine that is playing Super Wing Commander very well. I wanted to post this as I have received some interest from other CIC members who potentially wanted to do the same thing, and some wondered if it is worth going to such extremes when we have been blessed with SM 1.5.

IT IS WORTH IT! If you are a big fan of WC1, WC2, and the Privateer era WC games, you will love playing SWC on a proper system. Smooth graphics and animation, great sound, actually good voice acting, and some very unique (and tough) missions make SWC an awesome experience.

After some more experimenting, on the iMac G3 333, I'm now running G3 Throttle at a wait state of 6, and I have PowerLogix Cache Control set to 111 mhz. This has improved the overall gameplay smoothness and stability a bunch. Even in melees with lots of ships, (including cap ships) this seems to have things really smooth and stable. I still have to post my memory settings for SWC; I believe the minimum file size is at 4238k, with a preferred @ 5238k.

Double Commander Mac

I have had several Wing Nuts ask me what I felt was the best 'ideal' setup for SWC. If your primary purpose is SWC and WC3 + WC4, I'm starting to see some real virtue in the 1999-2000 series G3 IMacs running OS 9.2. They can be bought for relatively low prices (under $100 +/-), and for a small additional investment (about another $100) on a nice ADB stick, ADB to USB adapter (I use the CompUCable, I had numerous problems with Griffin's Imate), replacement optical drive, and a powered USB hub, you can have a pretty good Mac SWC to WC4 system.

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